Friday, October 10, 2008

Help Name Our Team (and Win*)

PLZ help us name our squad (and win fabulous prizes*). Use the comment section below and put down all your ideas for our team name. The more you think of the better. Next week we will create a poll with the best ideas and we can all vote for the winner (yay! thanks for the hard work*)

(possible prizes*)
a beach vacation:

an el camino:

or a candy necklace:

(*complete bullshit)


Anonymous said...

I have given consideration to several names involving private parts, offensive words, etc. I'm going to throw the first idea out, if you don't like it, throw it right back.

Team 'Nailin Palin.

The jersey would have a women sitting down, legs spread, basketball over the nether regions an " 'Nail Pailin" with arching letters over the ball and of course a superimposed facial shot of our beloved Alaskan Govenor.

Also, please consider the following:

-Cleveland Steamers
-Kentucky Plows
-Team Monastat (I get #7)
-Beaver Fever
-The Mangled Beefcurtains
-Fupa Troopers
-The Guntslingers
-Basketball Jones (from Cheech and Chong!)

End Transmission

Anonymous said...

Heidi's name: Mustang Sallies
Think bad ass 1970s muscle car mixed with an explosion of fire and horse hair. Neeeeheeeeee!

Nat's name: The Sportsmen
In honor of our beloved como ave bar (perhaps we work out a sponsorship?) Think retro, your father's glory days...if you will.

Alt: Crazy Eye Killaz
(intimidation factor)